Board Thread:Plants vs. Zombies 2/@comment-5760976-20171020211451/@comment-30937051-20171112101302

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IAmPlayer wrote:
Shambles and gambles wrote:
AquaticPanic wrote:
Shambles and gambles wrote:
Can we please take into account that Popcap is running out of plant and zombie ideas? How are they going to release PVZ 3?
Mixing previous plants' powers and making as many Ice variants as possible
Silly me, of course!

We'll have ice bean, ice reed, icepult, icegum, ice bomb, ice whip, ice plant food, ice powerups, ice everything! EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE GOD DAMN ICE!

Oh jesus christ. I'm gonna get sued...

Now where was I? Ice flower, icy currant (oh no), ice corn, ice cabbage, ice mech, ice world, ice boss, ice game, ice industry, ice metropolis, ice country, ice continent, ice planet, ice galaxy, ice universe, ice multiverse, icy nose.

.....I guess these ice ideas snow no bounds.