Board Thread:Plants vs. Zombies 2/@comment-5760976-20171020211451/@comment-30937051-20171114163343

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TheGollddMAN wrote:
Dalek2653 wrote:
TheGollddMAN wrote:
Mr. Boss-inator wrote:
Shambles and gambles wrote:
Mr. Boss-inator wrote:
Shambles and gambles wrote:
I'm asking this again, when are we going to have the level cap raised again?
Nobody knows, this might even not happen at all.
Then why even code in a level gold tier set of levels? I mean, that's just dumb to do that. Popcap would have bronze tier, then silver tier, then no gold tier?
Because Popcap likes to come up with something, develop it a lot and in the end say "meh f@#$ it" and stop. Look at Vasebreaker. We get new levels once per eternity. Look at upgrade trophies. When did we see the last one? Ah, pinata hunt slots, how convenient. But besides that? The last upgrade was in far past, in Far Future. Epic quests? They scrapped one the best features of the game so far. Look at how many design things they removed, from world map items to minigame music and beheaded zombie hitbox. They abandon every ambitious idea while it hasn't even been rooted yet and that doesn't stop them to come up with more. And everything I've just listed is a bigger candidate for being "just dumb to do that" compared to your statement.

Besides, they abandoned world expansions as well, mind you.

They abandoned world expansions? Wait what? 
That is 100% speculation. I believe they just got distracted by these other new features in the process of making the new Dark Ages levels. 
Last time I was here, they were doing expansions per two months, right? How long has it been since the last expansion?

Pirate Seas expansion was April 25th, Wild West was July 18th if you wanna go by official releases. Meaning that it should've been released about twenty days ago, not bad for a late update when they're currently banking in on new updates and additions. So I expect it to be released-

WAIT WAIT WAIT, Jurassic Marsh was inbetween those two on June? GOD DAMMIT POPCAP! YOU'RE NOW TWO FULL MONTHS BEHIND! Well, expect it soon atleast. They're definitely going to raise the cap though, one line of coding and they know it exists, community challenges features pinatas, plant XP.