Board Thread:Plants vs. Zombies 2/@comment-5760976-20180115141847/@comment-24024415-20180123142933

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- Having the chance to upgrade Winter Melon and Cold Snapdragon is certainly worth the effort of grinding out a dozen or two Yeti levels.

- Not quite the thread for that, but the packs (lootboxes for your buzzword of the day) are more efficient in terms of cost/pack when buying with real money versus gem packs, which themselves can be earned without a cent payed but take an extemely long while to obtain enough gems to unlock. Furthermore is the tier system making Legnedaries and Heroes a rare occurance even in the paid packages, so it grinds you out real quickly. The same for Pinatas in PvZ2 to keep on topic. I feel like I've said this before by focusing on different aspects, but it bares repeating.

- Quite dead indeed. Still waiting for content, otherwise milling around and groaning on the lack thereof for every side of the PvZ list of games. Truly a dryspell of Popcap/EA content for what feels like a month or two now.

Overall a whole lot of nuttin'. Depends on how long you've been gone, but ever since Colossal Fossils on Oct 8th, only a few minor updates and Holly Barrier graced us from then to now. You likely haven't missed much frankly.