Board Thread:Plants vs. Zombies 2: It's About Time/@comment-10438243-20140102231250/@comment-25620611-20141021233021

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Milesprower2 wrote:
The Paraohs can be stopped with a Wall-nut, and they start out slow. By the time the sarcophagus gets destroyed, I normally have a Wall-nut to prevent it charging through my defenses. But still, it is a big threat, just not as big as Explorers. Keep in mind I got past Level 30 in Pyramid of Doom, by then Explorers can be the second zombie to appear, and they can appear in large numbers before the first flag.

Sarcophagus has (i think) the health of 1 ordinary Gargantuar.

Reason: They take 2 insta-kills.