Board Thread:Plants vs. Zombies 2: It's About Time/@comment-10438243-20140102231250/@comment-31092875-20180207170326

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Chainut wrote:

PlantShielder wrote:

CoffeeCupProductions wrote:
PlantShielder wrote:
Torchwood007 wrote:
PlantShielder wrote:
CoffeeCupProductions wrote:
True. Spikeweed is better and cheaper than Lightning Reed.
Fact: Lightning Reed is better than Spikeweed, specially when in groups(refering to both)
I actually think they're tied
A spikeweed can RARELY let a chicken escape :P
The reason I like Spikeweed:It doesn't "clear" only the chickens,but can also kill the CHICKEN WRANGLER. And also kills the Pianist Zombie. And it's cheaper. But,however,3 of them are pretty expensive.

The reason I don't like Linghtning Reed:After she kills the chickens,what should I do with it? A lawn full of them isn't as better as two columns of reapeaters. Is very weak,has a small range,can't attack in back,very vulnerable to any other zombie,why should I plant it when I have a Peashooter that does 4 times the damage,but it's cheaper? For me,the Lightning Reed always attacks the zombie SHE wants:I think she's saying something like:"C'mon,dude! Do I really have to beat the Prospector Zombie that eats me? Or that Pianist Zombie that comes closer to that Tall-nut? No! I want to kill that Buckethead!" I'm trying to be rude for Lighting Reed,I sometimes plant it too,but only when I don't have sun for Spikeweeds.

4 times??? YOU'RE TOTALLY WRONG, REPEATER THAT IS 4 TIMES STRONG THAN HIM, And 2 Repeaters can replace just 4 Lightning Reed, and dude, I prefer Lightning Reed than the Spikeweed, why he can't attack 3 LANES, attack multiple zombies on OTHER lanes, and I plant 2 COLUMNS of Lightning Reed, result: CROWD CONTROL!!! TAKE THIS, SPIKEWEED SUCKS!!!!!!!

Report This Comment because you use too much swear words, I also don't like Lighting Reed, Electric Peashooter and Laser Bean are better to deal with chickens.

There is only 1 swear... That, it's not even a swear