Board Thread:Plants vs. Zombies 2: It's About Time/@comment-24970522-20140814090734/@comment-24970522-20140814114227

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Buzzy Buzz wrote:
Shroomy05 wrote:
PnFforever wrote:
Shroomy05 wrote:
PnFforever wrote:
Shroomy05 wrote:
The Zombie O.O wrote:
Shroomy05 wrote:
The Zombie O.O wrote:
I agree with that. Shroomy is really getting on my nerves, raging and complaining about the premium plants.

Snow Pea is USELESS when there's no Explorer Zombie, or if they appear extremely early. Winter Melon is better, even though it costs a lot more, and Iceberg Lettuce could help in that situation i just mentioned (The one about "Explorers appearing extremely early")

Imitater, it's just a double plant. Not very useful.

Power Lily, (Cough cough) When you went coin farming in PvZ2, you can just buy some with 1000 coins. And all the high-level Endless Zone people have so many coins, it's like no effect to them. Well, but you'll still need time to farm them coins.

Jalapeno, SRSLY? It's just a Laser Bean PFed and is instant.

Pea-nut, it has LOW health, like srsly, it can't even kill a buckethead by it's own, i CHECKED in that Dark Ages special delivery.

Hypno-shroom, that gargantuar thing is useless in high-leveled Endless Zones, and robot zombies, they take 2 hits, so they can actually inflict damage, and so do stacked zombies.

Squash, i hate him. I could ALWAYS use Cherry Bomb or Potato Mine.

Starfruit, *sigh* It's more expensive. And i don't freaking know how to protect them, WHILE killing zombies effectively due to it's weird firing patterns.

Torchwood, well...he's only the best when a row of them are PF'ed, and after that, you PF 5 Threepeaters at once with Tile Turnip. TOTAL mayhem.

It's not about their abilities, it's about every player having access to every plant fairly, i mean, that guy has every plant, and that guy doesn't, UNFAIR!!!!
(sigh) That's why PopCap made the game free. If you wanted all premium plants for free, the game itself might need money to be bought, as PopCap needs money to survive.
Then they could have done that. Everything is pirated on the internet anyway.
You STILL don't get it.
What do i don't get?
About everything. Pretty much you don't get how companies role. You want those premiums, then go play the original game. That is all. Your obsession is too much. Look at what it gotten you in to. Do you know how many users have been hated for spamming with caps lock or complaining on threads, you have just become one of them.
Yes i do, i'm currently making a platform game on Game Maker since last 4 months, and i'm making everything free! 
That's your opinion. You are giving it for free, because you are not doing it on a registered company.

see, there you go again!, raging and raging!, you can just wait for some new plants, the freemium plants are much better than premium plants!, it's just like:

Laser bean fed by plant food = jalapeno

and plus, cherry bomb, potato mine, chili bean are much more better!

Repeater fed by plant food = snow pea

plus, repeater was more powerful and also pea pod!

Fire pea = torchwood

fire pea is more great, just because that fire pea doesn't have napalm peas, so what?, atleast you don't have to spend for some torchwood!

Wall-nut + Peashooter 2 fed by plant food = Pea-nut

Peanut has a half strength of a wall nut, and infi-nut is more stronger than this, you can combine it with repeater!

Fume shroom = Hypno shroom

Hypno when fed by plant food, the gargantuar can be insta-killed by  25 imps!

Endless zones and green zombies = power lily

really?, you're gonna spend for this plant?, this is just a waste of a seed slot in the selection screen!

plant food trophy = imitater

the PF trophy is just great!,you will just pur plant food on a rechargind seed packet, then it will instantly fully recharge!

Threepeater and split P = starfruit

TP is more great than StarF, besides, split pea is more powerful than starF, these 2 can beat 2 Garg primes than StarF!

Potato M, Chili B, Cherry B = squash

These three are much more great than squash! Potato M can kill a lot of Zbies (zombies), Chili B can kill only 1 Zbie, so what?, he can stun all Zbies in his lane, Cherry B,  a 3x3 insta-killer can kill so many zombies!

Now, Shroomy , What is your answer to all of this! Explain it briefly!