Board Thread:Plants vs. Zombies 2: It's About Time/@comment-25005818-20141106133333/@comment-24190447-20141109210005

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OSevenzo wrote:
Ganrash wrote:
Look for [VASEBREAKER_INTRO_LEVEL_NAME_3]"Below it you should see: "FirstRewardType..powerupgadget..FirstRewardParam.&powerupgadget_powerupvasebreakerreveal"

Change "powerupgadget" to "unlock_plant" and "powerupgadget_powerupvasebreakerreveal" to "ghostpepper" (nullify the remaining for both).

Then complete Boss Vase and you'll earn ghost pepper and you'll still get the reveal vase powerup. (this only works if it's the first time you complete Boss Vase)

What program used to editing ?

and I've already complete Boss case :(

Can you edit the gem cost for hmoing thistle ? I think 109 is too expensive

The program is HxD.

I don't know how to edit homing thitsle's cost, sorry.