Board Thread:Plants vs. Zombies 2: It's About Time/@comment-25005818-20141106133333/@comment-25590111-20141109062423

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Buzzy Buzz wrote:
Ganrash wrote:
How could I help you?
I've tried editing sun costs, but I can't figure out how to do it with plants which have 2 bytes.

For example, More than 255 sun plants, Banana Launcher etc.

Hi Buzzy,

May I ask how do you edit the sun cost for plants (such as repeater, bonk choy) that cost more than or equals to 150 sun? I cannot seem to change the sun cost of for example, bonk choy from 150 to 50 sun. 

As for plants that has more than 2bytes, which includes plants like citron, winter-melon, I know how to change the cost of them, but I can only change them to a minimum of 150 sun each. Therefore I would need some help from you with regards to the question i posted in my first short paragraph.  Thanks!