Board Thread:Plants vs. Zombies 2: It's About Time/@comment-25502707-20150102193736/@comment-25502707-20150112072445

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Ninja Penguins wrote: Also, is it okay if I replace the tutorial with the first few levels of Ancient Egypt as the tutorial?

I would rather not, just due to the fact that loads of people like players house and we could add more lvls to it in the future.

Main screen should have worlds at the bottom, and when clicked they show you the map. Map is like pvz2 except ! Levels which come off certain levels. They are basically tutorials and allways unlock a plant (one ! Level every five levels). Players house has 6 levels (one boss battle as a conveyor belt lvl, one ! Lvl that unlocks potato mine. Rest of the lvls are as in pvz2 tutorial.