Board Thread:Plants vs. Zombies Heroes/@comment-25389309-20161104000429/@comment-25389309-20161104132200

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I find Fire Fighter very, very useful in Gravestone decks. Like rescue Radish, he has great stats for his cost. I find him especially useful in my Neptuna deck, letting my play more and more trash can zombies to soak up hits. He can also save stuff vrey low on health, making him useful then. Seedling, however, is completely useless. If you play him turn two, he is probably gonna get destroyed be a multitude of things. It could be Nibble, Bungee Plumber, Sumo Wrestler, Rolling Stone, Smoke Bomb, or a number of things. And even if he survives, he will probably turn into something useless. I find Sage Sage useless too. With an ability that activates mid-game, plus terrible stats for mid-game, he has almost no use whatsoever. I find Haunting Zombie useful, though. I firmly believe in card advantages, and Haunting Zombie really helps me about that. They should give seedling at the very least two health, but even then he would die a lot. I personally have stopped using Gentleman Zombie after they nerfed him twice, because his two health is terrible for a utility zombie.