Board Thread:Plants vs. Zombies Heroes/@comment-25389309-20161104000429/@comment-33536776-20171105024243

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VeXJL wrote:
DimetrodongoldAlt wrote:
Lightning Reed is horrible. It's worse than Ra Zombie. It's worse than Sage Sage. First of all, 1/2 is what you would expect for a 1-cost plant, not a 2-cost plant. It dies to everything, from Sumo Wrestler to Bungee Plumber. Not only that, Nibble, Haunting Ghost and Total Eclipse turn it into a complete and utter waste of space! The Splash Damage is negligible because there's only so many zombies with 1 Health, much less good ones. The Amphibious Trait is useless for Lightning Reed. It'll end up wasting some of the Splash Damage, doing damage to two zombies instead of three. Either that, or it'll end up filling up your opponent's Super-Block Meter even more easily than it already does! Navy Bean can buff it, but that doesn't increase the Splash Damage and 1/2 to 2/3 is still nothing crazy. And on top of all that, it doesn't even have any tribe synergies!

Although Lightning Reed might not be the absolute worst card in the game, it definitely comes close.

Yes, it is terrible in most situations, but I don't see it as worse as Ra Zombie and Sage Sage. Its special ability is at least more likely to help.

Agreed. Lightning Reed is at least cheaper than Ra and is more than fodder unlike Sage