Board Thread:Plants vs. Zombies Heroes/@comment-27053902-20160928220750/@comment-28028046-20161005040653

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Zombotanist wrote:
Strimes49 wrote:
Zombotanist wrote:
The funniest thing just happened to me on ranked. I was playing Immorticia and was against a Grass Knuckles. At the beginning of the game I was getting only tricks so I basically couldn't do anything but destroy their plants with Rocket Sciece. By turn 8 I had only placed a single Wizard Gargantuar, and had a hand full of tricks and 2 Vimpires (Which I don't place by themselves since they are so easy to counter). My opponent apparently was going through the same thing since he only placed a few attacking plants and a bunch of Torchwoods. On turn 9 my opponent only had a 4/5 Jugger-Nut and three Torchwoods, so I went for a big play during tricks. I first Teleported a Vimpire in front of the Jugger-Nut, then I used a Vitamin Z and a Yeti Lunchbox on it. My opponent instantly conceded lol
Lol sounds like a sore loser. What was his health?
14 I believe, I only hit him once with the Gargantuar

Wow. What was his deal? He wouldn't have even died XD