Board Thread:Plants vs. Zombies Heroes/@comment-27053902-20180208005242/@comment-27769607-20180209003434

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VeXJL wrote:
LordHelix990 wrote:
Here's a tier list I made.

S Tier

Rustbolt(I hope I don't need to explain why.)

Professor Brainstorm(Teleport + Literally anything + Massive card draw = A PLAGUE UPON YOUR PLANTS!)

Solar Flare(Heh, GOOD LUCK progressing against her. Every turn she'll have something to screw you up.)

A Tier

Impfinity(Graves and instant removal. Dat's all.)

Immorticia(Gargs. Dat's all.)

Wall-Knight(His instant removal game is INSANE, I tell you.)

Grass Knuckles(Have you even SEEN how well he combos Apotatosaurus and Starch-Lord!?)

B Tier

Nightcap(Good at rushing, but hardcore walled by Neptuna and Impfinity.)

Green Shadow(Sigh...She has some excellent cards, but I just can't come up with a good deck for her.)

The Smash(His gimmick of late-game control leaves him vulnerable to rush decks.)

C Tier

Neptuna(Whatever she can do, Rusteez and Smash can just do BETTER. Poor girl deserves better.)

Chompzilla(Not too phenomenal cross-tribe synergy.)

Citron(Same deal as Neptuna; outclassed by Wall-Knight and the smol noot.)

D Tier

Spudow(Offense + Defense = No mix, dude.)

Electric Boogaloo(NO card draw? And it's a shame, too, because he has some great Dino-Roars.)

Beta-Carrotina(Diet Citron. That's all.)

Huge-Gigantacus(Slightly better than Super Brainz in that he has better Superpowers, but otherwise nothing phenomenal.)

F Tier

Super Brainz(Cross-tribe synergy isn't that good, and it's hard to come up with a deck for him.)

Brain Freeze(No card draw, lack of rush deck removal, overreliance on boosting, leaving him vulnerable to Doom-Shroom.)

Z-Mech(Simply put, Z-Mech stank at the beginning of the game, and he's continued stinking for two years. His cross-tribe synergy is HORRIBLE(Hearty and Crazy just don't mix well), he can't deal with high-strength cards, and what he can do, others can do better. Indeed he's only seen at all nowadays because of a few easily-counterable combos.)

Dis accurate?

Did you "intentionally" forget Rose? :P

​​​​​​He also forgot Captain Combustible.

Also, anyone notice how PVZ youtube didn't release a video for triassic triumph?