Board Thread:Plants vs. Zombies Heroes/@comment-27101994-20170424020944/@comment-28330910-20170428153516

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IslarPVZ wrote:
Crazyzombie168 wrote:
Interesting dream. I had a dream where was a PvZH update as well and the game was massively changed. Like the card menu was updated, it showed the plant/zombie on the side when you tapped on a card I think. And there were a lot of new cards but... They were all monsters and not plant nor zombie... wtf. There was also some weird new purple class, never got the name but it had the same icon as sneaky I think.
I dreamt about a Zombie that gave all Barrel Zombies Deadly and Armored. (Really OP) Then a lot of Barrel of Deadbeards and other *new* Barrel Zombies were played. 

I also dreamt that Gnomes Heroes were added to the game. They were not all Gnomes, however. One was based on a garden flamingo. Gnomes fighters were based on materials like gold, diamond ect. and they wield weapons like hammers, pickaxes and shovels.

Dreams can be weird...

That could actually work as a card.