Board Thread:Plants vs. Zombies Heroes/@comment-27769607-20160918034433/@comment-32615731-20170416232151

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Legendary ideas for Zombies. Some are returning and others are original, so please don't be mad that I didn't sort out the returning and original characters onto different threads. Plants coming soon.

Werewolf Zombie (Beastly)

(This spawns as a regular zombie and then transforms into a werewolf)

Pet Monster Zombie

7 Brains


Frenzy. When played: destroy all plants here. When a plant is destroyed, this gets +1/+1.

He has some friends up in London.

Computer Scientist (Brainy)

(Based around the GW character, but instead of a blaster, it has a computer keyboard with broken wires)

Science Zombie

7 Brains


When a zombie is played, this does a bonus attack.

No matter how many times he presses "Cntrl+Alt+Del," it just doesn't seem to eliminate his foes.

Metalmouth (Crazy)

(Based around the Bass Zombie from PvZ2C, but half robot)

Dancing Science Zombie

6 Brains


When this gets hurt, do three damage to two random fighters.

He was going to play guitar, but the bass had a "deeper" connection with him.

Mecha-Football Zombie (Hearty)

(Same character from PvZ2)

Sports Science Zombie

9 Brains


Armored 1. When played: mix up the plants randomly. This moves to the lane of the highest health plant. This gets +1 Strength for every Health that plant has.

After playing Fantasy Football for over 200 years, he has finally come to realize that it's all luck.

Future Fighter Imp (Sneaky)

(Looks somewhat like Impfinity, but more electric-y looking. Has a soda-bottle looking jetpack strapped to his back and a volt blaster in his hand)

Imp Science Zombie

8 Brains


All Imps have Strikethrough.

"Zap! Zap! Zippity zap zap!"

Hope you like them. I might release my pictures of them if people enjoy my ideas!