Board Thread:Plants vs. Zombies Heroes/@comment-27835295-20180420172504/@comment-24951189-20180423202246

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I actually think this is a pretty good idea. My main feedback is that most Superpowers are difficult to tell how OP or UP they are without game testing. With that being said:

I think Bite should go for a random zombie.

In all honesty, Meteor Strike would work best on Solar Flare. CC only really had it because he couldn't have 3 Mega-Grow Superpowers, and Spudow already had taken Storm Front.

Citron. Maybe give a plant Splash Damage 1/2? Maybe use an E.M. Peach that gives a zombie -3 attack for one turn?

Also, as you come up on the Zombies, please gives Impfinity and Z-Mech something good. Also, maybe you could give Brain Freeze the environment Ice Moon, and Gives HG a different environment? It would just work so much better with Brain Freeze.