Board Thread:Plants vs. Zombies Heroes/@comment-27835295-20180420172504/@comment-24951189-20180430054904

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Alright. Some new feedback:

I like the Brainstorm stuff, that works well. Same for The Smash, Super Brainz, Rustbolt, Brain Freeze, Z-Mech, and Neptuna.

Now that I think about it, wouldn't it be better if Green Shadow gave a plant +1/+1 and Double Strike instead of +2/+2? This would couple with Threepeater, Captain Cucumber, Moon Bean, and others, while still holding value.

Grass Knuckles' Shield Snatch doesn't work. What if this was the last Superpower you got, or the enemy was out of super blocks? Maybe he could give a plant Armored 1 and Bullseye instead?

Imperil makes two random Imps.... quite OP. Many Imps cost 2-3 Brains. This would be better than his signature. Maybe let him make a reinforced extra tough clone instead? I really like the Confetti idea. (Shouldn't that be Party, though?)

Blind Mice is just a little bit too effective, even at random targets. Maybe -2/-2 or -1/-3 instead?

I LOVE the Davy Jone's locker idea, but can you play non-Amphibious zombies/plants on it?

I think the last Super Brainz power could maybe have something to do with Deadly? It would help his Deadly Bonus deck.

Call of the Yeti.. I have no idea how this would turn out. Similar to Secret Agent... I really just wanna test this.

BTW, so many people seem to hate the Drop of Sunshine... I don't think it's so bad. I actually think it's pretty good. It requires having a plant in play, wouldn't be able to ramp early game without sacrificing an early couple Sun, relies on having to protect the plant... I think the only real problem is it would be getting this mid-combat.