Board Thread:Plants vs. Zombies Heroes/@comment-28629991-20180626142211/@comment-26988423-20180717103813

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CWJ-D wrote:
New zombie hero.

"What zombie hero? I see nothing"

Oh, right. You'll never see him coming!


The Plants will never see Crimezed's Zombies coming - not when he stops them cold with his Sneaky Tricks! By the time the Bonus Attacks hit the Plant Hero, their last surprise!

Name: Crimezed

Classes: Sneaky, Brainy

Signature Superpower: Hold Up!

Other Superpowers: Cut Down to Size, Partner in Crime, Surprise Unmasking

Crimezed always makes sure he uses the strongest superglue when putting on his mask. Nasty!

Name: Hold Up!

Classes: Sneaky, Brainy

Tribes: Professional Superpower Trick

Abilities: Freeze all Plants in a lane. Shuffle a Lurch for Lunch into your deck for each Zombie. Draw a card.

The Plants have no intentions on joining Crimezed or giving him their valuables? ...Pity.

Name: Partner in Crime

Class: Sneaky

Tribes: Ghost Professional Superpower Zombie

Stats: 1/3

Trait: Untrickable

Ability: This gets +1 Strength when a Zombie hurts the Plant Hero.

Technically, "partner" is a bit of an understatement for this guy.

Name: Surprise Unmasking

Class: Sneaky

Tribes: Ghost Superpower Trick

Abilities: Reveal two cards in the Plant Hero's hand. Draw a card.

Masked or not, he doesn't care. Crimezed will reveal their true form!

Headcanon: He hates Super Brainz. He would've loved moving zombies around, but noooo. That lame Superman ripoff with a butt chin had to adopt it first.

...given that there already are two heroes with this combination... ehh whatever I guess.

Everything is balanced though.