Board Thread:Plants vs. Zombies Heroes/@comment-29936716-20170722162143/@comment-26245490-20170723070122

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Newspaper Zombie wrote:
RandomzSunfish23901 wrote:

VeXJL wrote:

RandomzSunfish23901 wrote:
My budget Sportsbolt deck caused 3 people in a row to concede. Cone Zone + Team Mascot Imp + Drum Major = Instant concede
I'm surprised that you won. That combo is nothing to worry about IMO.
People overreact too much. I don't know why they do it. I just fought a Beta-Carrotina that conceded to Planetary Gladiator and Rock Walled Team Mascot Imp.
That reminds me, I have yet to see a Beta-Carrotina that runs Doom-Shroom or Shamrocket.

Ooooh ooooh ooooh! Me! I do! I do!

Shamrocket's useful, Doom-Shroom sometimes kills your own Soul Patches or buffed-up Planterns or Rescue Radishes, but the two are good at helping you controlling mid-game until you get to take over with Starch-Lord. Also, BTW, on that note, root decks are beautiful! I made it to Ultimate League in 5 days (from level 38). I think I lost only 5 or 6 battles thanks to the clutch team-up Lieutenants and bouncing them for more cards.