Board Thread:Plants vs. Zombies Heroes/@comment-30384301-20170325111445/@comment-25302263-20170328043108

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Sumedi wrote:

General knowledge about Bling-Nut

Bling- Nut is a premium super-rare Nut that costs 6 SunPvZH.png. He has 6 StrengthPvZH.png and 4 HeartPvZH.png. His traits are PvZH Armored Icon.pngArmored 2 and PvZH Truestrike Icon.pngBullseye and his ability gives all Nuts in the field PvZH Armored Icon.pngArmored 2 and PvZH Truestrike Icon.pngBullseye until all Nuts are removed from the field.



His 6 strength with Bullseye and Armored 2 could be devastating if you are running a Nut deck, because all other Nuts have this trait. When running a Wall-Knight deck, turn 4 Sunflower then Mixed Nuts; then turn 5 Bling-Nut can devastate the Zombie Hero. When running a Citron deck, Sportacus and Bling-Nut could be annoying against PvZH Brainy Icon.pngBrainy heroes since Sportacus' added Bullseye and Armored 2 does 2 damage but not fill the Zombie Hero's Block Meter if he/she plays a trick and reduces it's damage taken by 2.



It should only give armour 1 and not give bullseye.But he can keep armour 2 and bullseye just nerf what he gives.