Board Thread:Plants vs. Zombies Heroes/@comment-30925461-20170901033029/@comment-33932499-20171212043901

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Credits to KingPiggyXXI. I just copied his text and modified it.

Sting Bean: 8/10. It has a lot of use for 1 cost plant. However, it tends to lose its use in late-battle.   

Wall-Nut: 8.5/10. It's a pretty good screen for its cost. Works nicely against frenzy zombies 

Pismashio: 5/10. It's not something that you'd use in a deck, really. Good stats for its cost but is weighed down by his lack of effects.

Spineapple: 7/10. It used to be a great asset for nut decks, but with today's meta and the addition of Pecanolith, I think Spineapple has lost his former glory. I barely use/see him these days. 

Berry Blast: 10/10, perfect for berry and mushroom decks alike, and a good removal card against early game threats like Headstone Carver and Aerobics Instructor. It also easily gets rid of semi-strong guys like Kangaroo and Deadbeard.

Buff-Shroom: 8/10. A staple for mushroom decks.

Seedling: 4/10. barely usable in current meta and is highly vulnerable for it to have nay use. Plus, it is highly unpredicatble and more often than not, not worth the gamble.

Zapricot: 6/10. same with Pismashio: okay stats burdened by the lack of effect. Can be replaced with Split pea and Pumpking

Torchwood: 7/10. What I like about torchwood is the fact that  aside from its buff, it serves as a screen for protecting peas. 

Cabbage-Pult: 7/10. It has good stats but he's more of an annoyance than an actual threat against zombies. Loses its value late in the game.

Fertilize: 7/10. It's a good buffer but what I hate about it is the fact that it costs 3. Unless you're playing Chompzilla, it's not that easy to use it in a timely manner.

Flourish: 6/10. Same with Fertilize, my issue here is its cost. For me, it only serves like some sort of a last resort when you can't play anything from your hands or when you have no hand cards at all. 

Grow-Shroom: 8/10. A good buffer and a meatshield that take out small fry. 

Repeater: 7/10. Proved way more useful in current meta. In my opinion, it was not that useful before set 4. 

Snowdrop: 8/10. Gets pretty big fast with freeze decks. Not a must have but a good addition.

Snow Pea: 6/10. For me, this plant lost its appeal in today's meta. Easily gets removed even before it's effect can be put into good use.

Cattail: 5/10. I hate to admit it, but she's no lon ger useful. :(

Smoosh-Shroom: 5/10. Aside from the fact that he's in a wrong tribe, the only good use of this plant today is when Cosmic Mushroom conjures it and buffs it to 7/4.

Threepeater: 8/10. Good for removal and face-hitting. But with Tri-corn, threepeater's usability dwindles.

Sunflower: 6.5/10. You can barely get sun from this plant because it gets removed easily. But with its team-up, it serves as a one-hit screen to protect important plants. With the addition of CobCannon, sunflower became more useful.

Mixed Nuts: 6/10. Can be replaced by other growers in any deck, TBH. 

Squash: 10/10. The best removal plant card in the whole game. Can get rid of highly buffed zombies like Wannabe Hero.

Smashing Pumpkin: 5/10. Not really useful these days. As a matter of fact, I haven't had much opportunity to use him before. the worst part about him is his tribe. It doesn't have much synergy.