Board Thread:Plants vs. Zombies Heroes/@comment-5760976-20161106231138/@comment-25389309-20161110145528

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Bluemorpho1029 wrote:
Gmanpizza, I could really use that immorticia deck. Sorry for reposting, I'm just reallly excited

Sorry I took so long, but here it is. You should take HUGE advantage of the Papparazzi Zombies- they are your best friend in this deck. Use nibbles to protect them, and vitamin Z to boost them.

x3 Nibbles

x4 Papparazzi Zombies

x2 Teleports

x3 Beam Me Up

x2 Lurch for Lunch

x2 Squirrel Herder

x4 Brain Vendoe (to have some ground game while still playing a lot of tricks)

x2 Fun-Dead Raiser

x3 Rocket Science

x2 Vimpires (these are also very, very good. Use your tricks on these guys too)

x3 Vitamin Z

x1 Mad Chemist

x1 Shieldcrusher Viking

x2 Hail-A-Copter

x2 Nurse Gargantuar (try to have at least one of these, as this and nibble are your only ways of getting health back)

x2 Octo Zombies

x1 Maniacal Laugh

x1 Trickster

For any legendaries you don't have, replace them with Hail-A-Copters. I prefer not to use Gentleman Zombies, but if you have open slots they could be a good addition. You may want to add a couple Yeti's Lunchbox, as they give good boosts to Papparazi Zombies and add survivability to Gentleman Zombie if you choose to use him. If you have to craft anything, I would recommend either Nurse Gargantuar or Maniacal Laugh. Maniacal Laugh is a grossly overpowered boost, and it guarenteed a win on an already-boosted Paparrazi Zombie. Also, while I really prefer Rocket Science, you can add Locust Swarm is some annoying plants are giving you trouble (i.e. Mirror Nut, but I have Squirrel Herder to alleviate this). Some other good choices if you have empty slots are Loudmouth (for the boosts) and Haunting Zombie. The reason for Haunting Zombie is that the main weakness of this deck is the lack of an early ground game. You are likely to have one or two ridiculously overpowered zombies, but not a evenly-spread out group. The biggest weakness in terms of heroes is, sadly, Solar Flare. This is bad because so many people play as her. The reason is that she has Kabloom plants for swarming you early on, which is hard since Immorticia has a bad early game. She also has insta-killing plants in her Solar Typing, which is very bad as it can get rid of all the boosts you applied to your plants. That's all I have for now, hope this helps!