Board Thread:Plants vs. Zombies Heroes/@comment-5760976-20170509193507/@comment-25646923-20170513095942

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Cavia porcellus wrote: Sow Magic Bean's text will now just say "Shuffle four Magic Beanstalks into your deck." with a blue link explaining what they are.

Also, first instance of week 18:

Node_botd_week18_day2:6_MessageText,Things aren't looking very good! It
would take a miracle to beat the Zombies at this point - much less in
one turn!
Node_botd_week18_day2:Description,Which one first?
Node_botd_week18_day2:Name,botd Week 18 Day 2

Hopefully all cards that are like that will get the blue text, and miracles? More like think about it for a minute and solve