Board Thread:Plants vs. Zombies Heroes/@comment-5760976-20170509193507/@comment-25646923-20170514112656

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MitBoy wrote:

Waddle Dee Guy wrote:
ThingOfTheStrangeMan wrote:
if Going Viral turned into a single target +1+1 and gives it frenzy then it would be so trash that the devs would have to delete it from the game
But if it added more Going Virals and drew a card as it is, then it would be fine

No, it would be horrible.

I pewrsonallly feel like this cards isn't even super good in its current state.

Going Viral is only super good if you have the right circumstances. Like, if you only have 2 zombies on the field and you start to only pull a going Viral, you're done. Plus, let's say you have a board full of weak zombies, the buff from going Viral will allow your opponent to take out a few of your cards, and not to mention if they do grow out of hand a card called Doom Shroom exists.