Board Thread:Plants vs. Zombies Heroes/@comment-5760976-20180127211635/@comment-27769607-20180207014936

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VeXJL wrote:
CWJ-D wrote:
LordHelix990 wrote:
Oh, and CWJ, you forgot about Lightning Reed on your profile. That thing deserves nothing but Basic - Common.

My name is CWJ-D, and now I'm even more triggered now. *Super grammar freakout*

Anyway, Lightning Reed is a bit too good for common...maybe uncommon, but not rare. Not after hearing that Scumbaga actually makes in impact in some decks.

"Here's my question. If plants have Splash Damage, then WHY HAVE AMPHIBIOUS?"

Probably a concept.

 It's an added bonus. :P

Also, rotobaga is underrated. It's a good control, tempo, and aggro card, and a good 2 cost slot card.