Board Thread:Plants vs. Zombies Heroes/@comment-5760976-20180318131218/@comment-24951189-20180331043302

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Well, I think some of the terminology is getting stretched here. Mill decks aren't really in Heroes, unless you mean a deck that fills you opponent's hand so they can't Super Block, which is different from how most other games define Mill. Mill usually means you force your opponent to keep drawing cards until a game rule makes them lose.

There is another type of deck, which is Combo- holding out until you can play an exact combo of cards like 1HKO Valkyrie or dual Sergeant Strongberries. There's also Cycle, which is about getting a bunch of diverse or special cards like Magic Beanstalk by cycling through your deck or Conjuring until you get the card you need. Buff can also be its own type, especially with Double Strike or Frenzy.

Other than that, it depends on categories- Healing decks can be seen as a Control subtype, or a Combo type, a its own unique type- Chompzilla's Super-Rare deck used to be a unique/Buff deck. Deadly decks can be seen as a Tempo/Control mix. These terms are usually less "archetypes", and more along the lines of "keywords"- they describe decks, but not every deck has them.

...Oh yeah. Made a PvZ Trivia Quiz on my blog.