Board Thread:Plants vs. Zombies Heroes/@comment-5760976-20180318131218/@comment-24951189-20180331050036

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Well, maybe I don't understand all of it myself, so let me try to understand. From my knowledge, here is what each term means:

Arrgo- Get out fast, try to get minions in empty lanes, go for the face.

Control- Get minions in full lanes, try to pick off enemy minions until you can play big late-game cards.

Tempo- A turn-by-turn play that revolves around forcing opponents to fight on your terms. You try to have one more minion/card in play than your opponent, even if that card is weak.

Ramp- Spend you early game getting a lot of mana, and get expensive cards out quickly.

Buff- Similar to Tempo, but with less focus on having more control on the field, and more focus on controlling one lane super well. Once a minion is strong, Tempo use the chaos to diversify across the field, whereas Buff keeps protecting that one card.

Cycle/Miracle- Draw lots of cards to get cards like Magic Beanstalk, or that one late game card you have in there amoungst the cheaper ones.

Combo- Get a specific combination of cards like 1HKO Valkyrie or attack boost Re-Peat Moss to change the field in one turn.

Mill- Force your opponent to keep drawing cards until they have no cards left in their deck and lose the game by default. Not really something you see a lot of.