Board Thread:Plants vs. Zombies Wiki Discussion/@comment-1764483-20140629200745/@comment-11447684-20140630180715

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You should learn to accept other people's opinions. This is the internet. That is life. I can understand why you're butthurted as the person has said it in a way that it sounds like a fact without proper reasoning, but you yourself know that they are nothing more than opinions. Defeat them with logic if they go out of their limits. If people agree to a wrong statement, then the statement doesn't become correct. You're still able to use counter arguments. This may also make other people change their views.

Deciding to leave this place for this reason is rather silly, though it does not seem the thing you meant. About taking a break, I suggest you to do what you think is right. You are the best person who can tell whether you need a break or not. One knows about oneself more than others. IMO you should not take things so seriously, and rather ignore and not get bothered by it. Trust me, that works. You should take a break if you feel bitter about what others say, and come back when you feel alright.