Board Thread:Plants vs. Zombies Wiki Discussion/@comment-2189621-20130223182246/@comment-4647769-20130501211426

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I can already say most of the plants listed here, while not terribly useful, are less useless than they're made out to be.

Potato Mines are freaking awesome, especially in Endless, to hold off the zombies while you reserve sun to build up tons of Sunflowers.  Just plant them way back to give you as much time as possible.

Blovers I frequently use in builds where there's no room onfield for Cattails (usually 10+ Cob,) or in Fog Endless, where you need to reserve a total of 4 spaces (the plantern ones are actually quite valuable ones) to do the job of Blovers.  Just get a few Twin Sunflowers and you'll be fine on sun.

Plant your Scaredy-shrooms behind your Sun-shrooms during the night and they're pretty much the equivalent of Peashooters for a mere 25 sun.

Starfruit are pretty useless at the start of a match, but spam them later on when you have enough sun and your field becomes a bleeping death trap.  I had a lot of fun with that back in my replay through Adventure Mode in the Pool stages.

Even Chompers can be useful when protected by a Nut/Pumpkin.  

Personally, my least favourite is the Sea-shroom.  I know, it's useful, but for 25 more sun you can save a slot and a lot of recharge time.  (Oh, and give the zombies one more plant to eat before getting to your brains.)  Chompers are a close second, as, while not useless, the space and sun is almost always better spent on something else.