Board Thread:Plants vs. Zombies Wiki discussions/@comment-35198094-20180404080611/@comment-26942983-20180414185959

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Anonymous230385 wrote:
@Happyenchilada It is technically possible

This round of Battlez has time constraints of 1:30, but assuming one continuously wins, it is possible to reach 200 crowns in an hour

60 minutes / 1.5 minutes = 40 rounds x 5 crowns each = 200

So not quite less but exactly

There are those players out there with "pay-to-win" desires who simply rocket through

In my case I have 21 consecutive victories as my longest streak but I only have 100 so

It takes time

@Chainut There's an instruction manual that goes with Battlez (well, not exactly instruction manual, but there is a "How to Play" section displayed every time you start a round)

Edit 1: Inserted a link

You also have in between times like Choose your Seeds