Board Thread:Questions and requests/@comment-26239911-20170919132115/@comment-30937051-20171111221717

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PvZ 2 - 7 Deadly sins challenge.

You have to use these 7 plants in the levels after the first Zomboss mech battle.

Gluttony: You may use either Chomper or Toadstool, if you do not have any of those then you may use chili-bean.

Sloth: Use wallnut.

Greed: You must have two full rows of twin-sunflowers by the end of the level.

Wrath: Use any instant-use plants.

Lust: Sweet Potato - Blooming Heart - Hot date, any of those, if you have neither then use your pvz waifu. Which I have none since I'm a sane human being.

Pride: Use in your opinion, your favorite plant.

Envy: Use imitater or peashooter.

Any spare slots then fill it up with a useless plant or just don't use that plant.