Board Thread:Questions and requests/@comment-27462035-20170319065348/@comment-32651759-20170816034022

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QlnwtheOctoGuy wrote:
* [PvZH] Get 6 Sun in turn 3

1st challenge easy. Play Brain Vendor on an previously-played Medulla Nebula.

2nd challenge ???

3rd challenge easy. same as the 1st challenge but on turn five.

Bonus easy. play as huge-giganticus.

start with 2 brain vendors, a medulla nebula, and a teleport and signature superpower. play terror-former 10,000. it conjures another medulla.

turn 2: play medulla nebulla

turn 3:draw a Zombot. play brain vendor (cost-reduced one) in the medulla. u have 7 brains. play another cost-reduced brain vendor. u have 8 brains and then play the Zombot.