Board Thread:Reporting station/@comment-26422664-20150618100233/@comment-26422664-20150618103406

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Charmande red321 wrote:

Brotato Mine wrote:

Reapeageddon wrote:
The War (It all started with "Brotato Mine: Ugh these idiots again)
2,147,483,647 feet
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Brotato Mine

ugh these idots again


Insert Your Name Here




I spent most of my school day spending time in chat.



Ernesto, where do I get Repeater seed pkcets? Packets*


The Fancy Rat

By pic or in-game?


Insert Your Name Here

Good thing I have a phone 2:22

ErnestoAM Anyone have mario kart 8 so we can play even though this isn't the mario wikia 2:22

Малдер 100

ErnestoAM ,you can call your nickname in the game and in the origin?

2:22 Thecoollittlepeashooter I mean puzzle pieces XD mixed it up. 2:23 Brotato Mine Can you please talk about something a bit more intelligent than this crap 2:23 The Fancy Rat Hey this isn't your chat 2:23 Insert Your Name Here k. 2:23 Brotato Mine Thank You 2:23 Insert Your Name Here lolno. Who am I kidding. 2:23 The Fancy Rat For a second Insert Your Name Here thought you were serious 2:23 ErnestoAM Anyone have Mario Kart 8 2:24 Малдер 100 Кто хочет поиграть в Гарден Варфейр? Sorry 2:24 Brotato Mine Ugh idiots being idiots again 2:24 Малдер 100 Who wants to play together in the Garden Warfare? 2:24 The Fancy Rat What? Me!' The Zombie O.O has been eaten by the zombies. 2:24 ErnestoAM meh 2:24 Thecoollittlepeashooter Brotato, we are not idiots. 2:24 Brotato Mine Oh you mean the game that made TPS look like crap? yeah not happening 2:24 ErnestoAM ^ 2:25 The Fancy Rat ? AM do you mean TCLP or Brotato 2:25 Малдер 100 The Fancy Rat,And what is your nickname? 2:25 ErnestoAM I meant tlcp 2:25 The Fancy Rat Gamertag? 2:25 Insert Your Name Here Well calling us that certainly speeds up the process of kicking you out. 2:25 The Fancy Rat I play Xbox360 2:25 Reapeageddon Brotate = CoD fan? Makes sense 2:25 Insert Your Name Here Maybe. 2:25 Reapeageddon Brotato* 2:25 Thecoollittlepeashooter Brotato, go sit in the corner and think about yourself! 2:26 Reapeageddon CoD fandom is cancerous anyways 2:26 Brotato Mine You just can't deal with it. You call yourselves people I think of you idiots. let's not say anything about it 2:26 Insert Your Name Here Mention splatoon and he will be on fire.


2:26 Reapeageddon splatoon is original 2:26 Малдер 100 No. Tell your nickname 2:26 Reapeageddon at least 2:26 The Fancy Rat I guess that's right or...I'm confused right now 2:26 Thecoollittlepeashooter Splatoon is cool 2:26 The Fancy Rat What do you mean 'nick name' 2:26 Reapeageddon Brotato, do you like CoD? 2:26 ErnestoAM Splatoon IS cool! 2:26 The Fancy Rat Yeah Nintendo FINALLY made an original game 2:26 Pepsicola45 People just think they need sexy women, burly white males, and guns to make money. 2:26 Reapeageddon People think they have everything 2:27 Brotato Mine No it really sucks becase of its blurry graphics and controls 2:27 Малдер 100 Nickname - the name of the player in the game 2:27 Thecoollittlepeashooter Anyways, moving on from the brotato whatever.... 2:27 Insert Your Name Here Well the inkling girl is somewhat cute. 2:27 Reapeageddon Dude: Don't you mean Americans, Reap ? YEAH Americans think they have eveything 2:27 The Fancy Rat Yup vbut the chinese have evereh thing nao 2:27 Brotato Mine What? Nonsense,just nonsense 2:27 The Fancy Rat ? 2:27 Reapeageddon Aahh, Brotato, you are the 34803498549058309th person to judge a game by it's graphics! Step in the line on the right please. 2:28 ErnestoAM Hello? 2:28 Pepsicola45 Hello. 2:28 Insert Your Name Here Hello 2:28 Reapeageddon What game are you mentioning anyways? 2:28 Brotato Mine Repeageddon don't defend a game that's bad in my opinion 2:28 Insert Your Name Here Graphics? 2:28 Малдер 100 The Fancy Rat, Now you understand what it means to "Nickname"? 2:28 Reapeageddon I'm not though I respect your opinion 2:28 The Fancy Rat Uh... 2:28 Thecoollittlepeashooter And people say that I have bad grammar.. 2:28 The Fancy Rat Is this for PC? 2:29 Orbacal 2:29 Reapeageddon it just sorta irritates me when people complain about graphics Cuz 2:29 Малдер 100 Yes 2:29 Reapeageddon it's about gameplay not graphics 2:29 Малдер 100 I play on PC 2:29 Brotato Mine The graphics aren't blurry (just exaggerating) But Damn, the controls suck peas 2:29 Малдер 100 My nickname Malder100 2:29 ErnestoAM I like it. 2:29 The Fancy Rat Oh I have Xbox 360 2:29 Reapeageddon What game? 2:29 The Fancy Rat


GW 2:30 ErnestoAM Splatoon 2:30 Reapeageddon GW idk the controls 2:30 Малдер 100 Oh 2:30 Reapeageddon but you'll get used to it 2:30 Brotato Mine The controls are very very very very bad 2:30 ErnestoAM Never touched GW before. 2:30 Brotato Mine for GW Insert Your Name Here has been eaten by the zombies. 2:30 Reapeageddon same Bro, can I see the control manual? 2:30 Brotato Mine The graphics are fine for its kind but the physics SUCK BADLY (I can go through walls and stand on air) 2:30 Thecoollittlepeashooter Ernesto, where do I get repeater puzzle piece? Pieces* 2:31 The Fancy Rat I agree but ti doesn't massively affect the game it* 2:31 Малдер 100 Who else plays GW on the PC? 2:31 ErnestoAM nope 2:31 Brotato Mine It does. you probably have never played it 2:31 The Fancy Rat


2:31 ErnestoAM Ugh 2:32 The Fancy Rat I just got done talking to people about playing GW with me *epic facepalm* 2:32 Thecoollittlepeashooter Brotato, you stop 2:32 ErnestoAM What did i even do? 2:32 The Fancy Rat uh..ok argument over 2:32 Thecoollittlepeashooter It is only your thoughts 2:33 Малдер 100 who pre-order the second part of the GW? 2:33 Brotato Mine Yes but he is attacking 'my thoughts' 2:33 Thecoollittlepeashooter


2:33 The Fancy Rat ... 2:33 ErnestoAM No I'm not. 2:33 Малдер 100 I did pre-order the deluxe edition 2:33 Brotato Mine You just did along with The Fancy Rat 2:33 The Fancy Rat Hey! What did I do? 2:34 Brotato Mine Attack my opinion 2:34 ErnestoAM I don't know where you can get Repeater puzzle pieces, sorry tlcp. 2:34 Малдер 100 Brotato Mine , what? 2:34 The Fancy Rat This is for AS or O? 2:34 Brotato Mine What do you want? 2:34 Thecoollittlepeashooter Didn't you unlock everything? @Ernesto 2:34 ErnestoAM Nope. 2:34 Thecoollittlepeashooter Okay. 2:34 Малдер 100 Боже 2:35 The Fancy Rat Ernesto, is this for AS or O? 2:35 Малдер 100 Хоть кто нибудь здесь играет в Гарден Варфейр на ПК? 2:35 Brotato Mine What is with the random letters? Insert Your Name Here has been planted on the lawn. 2:35 Thecoollittlepeashooter Malder, what country are you from? 2:35 Brotato Mine Stop spamming nonsensical named user! 2:35 ErnestoAM Russian he said 2:35 Малдер 100 Я уже устал на инглише говорить 2:35 Thecoollittlepeashooter Is that swearing? 2:35 The Fancy Rat Don't know what he's saying 2:36 ErnestoAM It's not spam, it's russian characters or letters. 2:36 Insert Your Name Here We should call google. 2:36 ErnestoAM lol 2:36 Brotato Mine Well he's dumb because I don't understand a single thing by him SO HA 2:36 Малдер 100

Thecoollittlepeashooter , I am from Belarus

2:36 ErnestoAM It can still detect bad words 2:36 The Fancy Rat ugh -_- STOP DA FLAME WAR 2:37 Brotato Mine Well I'm not the idiot who decided to attack a user randomly in a different language 2:37 Insert Your Name Here ... 2:37 The Fancy Rat ... 2:37 Pepsicola45 He's dead, Jim! 2:37 The Fancy Rat

  • The Fancy Rat calls for Google translate

2:37 Малдер 100 Мать вашу... Ребзя 2:37 Thecoollittlepeashooter FEEL MY WRATH! BROTATO, STOP ALREADY, DO YOU KNOW HOW IRRITATING YOU ARE?! 2:37 Pepsicola45 The amount of "He's dead, Jim!" messages are rising... 2:38 ErnestoAM He's tired of speaking english,. 2:38 Brotato Mine ha ha ha I can't understand a single word you're saying 2:38 Pepsicola45 What's seems to be the problem? 2:38 Brotato Mine I mean that Russian user 2:38 Insert Your Name Here Well codbro has been screaming at everything. 2:38 The Fancy Rat I have no clue 2:38 ErnestoAM Meh 2:38 Brotato Mine Who's 'codbro'? 2:38 Pepsicola45 And, if I disconnect, it's because I keep getting "He's dead, Jim!" messages. 2:38 Малдер 100 I am not Russian user! I am Belarussian! 2:39 Thecoollittlepeashooter Ugh, this chat is making me rage. 2:39 ErnestoAM me too. 2:39 Insert Your Name Here k.

Charmande red321 has been planted on the lawn. 

2:39 The Fancy Rat Is he a troll? 2:39 Малдер 100 You want to learn Russian? 2:39 Thecoollittlepeashooter Close enough @malder 2:39 Charmande red321 so im apparently a forum mod now Insert Your Name Here has been eaten by the zombies. Insert Your Name Here has been planted on the lawn. 2:39 Малдер 100 The Fancy Rat, no 2:39 ErnestoAM Meh 2:40 Charmande red321 hai 2:40 Pepsicola45 Congrats, Charmande . 2:40 Insert Your Name Here Well learning russian is not hard. Just play dota2 for a few weeks. 2:40 ErnestoAM Hai 2:40 Charmande red321 thx 2:40 Brotato Mine Shut it,Rat. Just because I have valid points against your stupid arguments doesn't mean you have to assume I'm a troll for these people causing arguments 2:40 Insert Your Name Here k. 2:40 The Fancy Rat Yay char is Forum Mod! :D 2:40 Малдер 100 Я уже устал с вами находиться)))) 2:40 Thecoollittlepeashooter Brotato, this is a warning. 2:40 Insert Your Name Here Yay. 2:40 Brotato Mine Good thing I can't understand the languaged user 2:41 ErnestoAM ENGLISH please. 2:41 Charmande red321 now its time to kill pigs] 2:41 ErnestoAM And we're all languaged 2:41 The Fancy Rat Yeah I'd like some english... 2:41 Thecoollittlepeashooter Good thing that we are now ignoring you 2:41 Charmande red321 irl 2:41 ErnestoAM yup 2:41 Thecoollittlepeashooter Ignore brotato. 2:41 Pepsicola45 ... 2:41 ErnestoAM Agree 2:41 Brotato Mine You're ignoring me because I'm the only person who is not an idiot here Insert Your Name Here has been eaten by the zombies. 2:41 The Fancy Rat Did he seriously just say that? Insert Your Name Here has been planted on the lawn. 2:42 ErnestoAM I'm pretty sure he's the one. 2:42 Thecoollittlepeashooter Or maybe its the other way around @Brotato >:) 2:42 Малдер 100 Oh darkness 2:42 Brotato Mine Nope 2:42 Insert Your Name Here Well he called everyone idiots. 2:42 Thecoollittlepeashooter I am pretty sure it is 2:42 Charmande red321 either brotato is my past self or idk anymore 2:42 Brotato Mine Coming from the 'Peashooter' who considers himself cool 2:42 The Fancy Rat Wat? 2:42 Малдер 100 Kill me, somebody says in Russian? 2:43 ErnestoAM Yeah, if we were idiots we wouldn't know how to type now. Now could we. 2:43 Thecoollittlepeashooter That makes no logic whatsoever 2:43 ErnestoAM Yup 2:43 Thecoollittlepeashooter @Brotato 2:43 Pepsicola45 Thunderbolts... Oh god. It frightened me... 2:43 Brotato Mine Nope you're just trying to defend yourselves because you can't handle the truth 2:43 The Fancy Rat What the heck... 2:43 Charmande red321 no its the internet 2:43 Thecoollittlepeashooter We are handaling the truth perfectly, we are the normal users her Heee* Here* 2:44 Charmande red321 "heee" 2:44 Pepsicola45 Sigh. 2:44 ErnestoAM Just STOP, we knowwho you really are. 2:44 Brotato Mine Yup that's your answer to everything because you have nothing to say because I'm the only sane one here 2:44 Reapeageddon Brotato, stop calling people idiots 2:44 Thecoollittlepeashooter You made a typo 2:44 Charmande red321 look just get on with it and just like you guys usually do 2:44 Reapeageddon stahp 2:44 The Fancy Rat Uh this is game chat not government stuff 2:44 Reapeageddon also 2:44 Thecoollittlepeashooter You are the only INsane 2:44 Reapeageddon What did you do 2:44 Charmande red321

  • just chat like you

2:44 Reapeageddon to enrage the enragement child

  1. TCLP

2:44 Pepsicola45 Shut up, everyone! 2:44 Reapeageddon @TCLP 2:44 Thecoollittlepeashooter Idk 2:44 Reapeageddon What did you do 2:44 ErnestoAM Can someone just kick him, please. He's getting annoying. 2:44 Insert Your Name Here k 2:44 Charmande red321 man 2:44 Reapeageddon what di you do Rat? WHAT DID YOU DO 2:45 Charmande red321 i wish for a visayan insult Pepsicola45 shot peas at Brotato Mine. 2:45 Reapeageddon to enrage the enragement child? 2:45 Pepsicola45 There, are you happy now? 2:45 The Fancy Rat FINALLY 2:45 Charmande red321 and Reap stop 2:45 Thecoollittlepeashooter Thank god he's gone 2:45 Insert Your Name Here idk. 2:45 Charmande red321 shot peas and he will return 2:45 Pepsicola45 He'll eventually come back. 2:45 ErnestoAM YES,thank you my 2 favorite drinks! Brotato Mine has been planted on the lawn. 2:45 Charmande red321 wb 2:45 The Fancy Rat Yup 2:45 Insert Your Name Here hi 2:45 Thecoollittlepeashooter Damn 2:45 The Fancy Rat The enragement child is bak! 2:45 Charmande red321 just calm down 2:45 Pepsicola45 3, 2, 1... 2:45 Charmande red321 ok? calm down or else 2:46 Reapeageddon Brotato Mine, Russian dude was speaking Russian 2:46 Insert Your Name Here There are 2 mods here. 2:46 Brotato Mine d00d that's awsum 2:46 The Fancy Rat ? 2:46 Charmande red321 also why did Planturnip renamed again 2:46 Insert Your Name Here The odds aren't in your favor. 2:46 The Fancy Rat What the...I'm so confused right now 2:46 Pepsicola45 Don't start a fucking flame war. 2:46 ErnestoAM ^ 2:46 Insert Your Name Here k 2:46 The Fancy Rat Char, I found Planturnip a very strange name 2:46 Pepsicola45 This is starting to piss me off. 2:46 Reapeageddon 'Well he's dumb because I don't understand a single thing by him SO HA" Ah, yes coming from the "God who Decides who are Dumb because he doesn't understand what hes saying" I see indeed 2:47 ErnestoAM yup 2:47 Pepsicola45 I'm sorry that I had to swear, guys. 2:47 Brotato Mine Treating me like a god? Thank you,friend 2:47 The Fancy Rat Is he sarcastic or..? 2:47 Insert Your Name Here ... 2:47 Thecoollittlepeashooter


2:47 Brotato Mine I'm being sarcastic,idiot 2:47 Reapeageddon Ok God who Decides who are Dumb because he doesn't understand what hes saying 2:47 Thecoollittlepeashooter o.o 2:47 Reapeageddon Oh I see 2:48 Thecoollittlepeashooter Brotato, stop 2:48 The Fancy Rat What... 2:48 Pepsicola45 Should I drop the banhammer? 2:48 Insert Your Name Here Guys he calls ppl idiot. 2:48 Brotato Mine You stop 2:48 Insert Your Name Here Maybe. 2:48 ErnestoAM Stop it. Pretty sure your one of those guys who got banned in another wiki and had to come here Brotato. 2:48 Thecoollittlepeashooter yes! PEPSI 2:48 Pepsicola45 All in favor? 2:48 Thecoollittlepeashooter YES 2:48 The Fancy Rat YEAH 2:48 ErnestoAM YeS Pepsicola45 has planted explosive plant to kill Brotato Mine . 2:48 Thecoollittlepeashooter yay! 2:48 Reapeageddon How long? 2:48 Pepsicola45

One day.
 Some are not yet spaced so please have time to read it.
The text is obviously modified because it gets clustered together because it has been modified. Obvious mistake
Just stop defending yourself and accept the fact that there's proof.

You're just defending them because you're their friends. Don't do that, you are innocent. Don't get involved in this mess and I wish best for you.