Board Thread:Reporting station/@comment-3474455-20150726093138/@comment-26822054-20150726173358

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Pinkgirl234 wrote:
For those of you who were not in chat a while ago, here is the story:

That user, whom Insert reported, claimed to be the grandfather of Insert and he said he was looking for his grandson (some users think that was Insert's alt). After that user left, Insert came back to chat. Some users began telling that user was his alt, but to Insert's surprise, he actually said that was not him. This had lead to the conclusion that that user was impersonating Insert's grandfather, which, mind you: Insert said his grandfather is in a "fallen state" (if you now would I mean). And impersonating someone who is in a rather poor state is defintely not funny.

I am sorry then,I newer knew in what state is his grandfather.i will stop.

PS:I am his ancestor,not his granpa from now!