Board Thread:Roleplaying/@comment-26826553-20160228084457/@comment-26918487-20160312173034

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//Short Story time: I woke up around 2:00 am to use the bathroom, and after that I got the ipad that was on my nightstand to check social media and wikia, cause I know you guys post late at night. I saw a notifaction for this thread, so I tapped on it, and was thrown alot of drama involving my characters in my face. GG.

Jim Joe: Gary, how did you even get here?

Gary: I g-got a rid with a *HIC* buddy of mine... he-he was turned t-*HIC* to... and he had a bike so I just stopped him, then *HIC* .... h-hold on... *stumbles over to a bush and throws up, then when he finishes he stumbles back to Jim Joe* anyways.... I stopped him then I- *belch's loudly, then pounds his chest with a fist* Ugh, got some... got some kind of after burp...

Jim Joe: Just.... just go home Gary. Not only are you setting a bad example, but you probably ruined his friendship with those kids.

Gary: *makes a angry face* FINE, I dont.... *HIC* I dont need to be there for my son... *turns away from Jim Joe and starts stumbling forward* I dont have to deal with this sh*t. Its not like I was the one who adopted *HIC* Him.... *stumbles towards his house* g-good luck trying to get in the house when the d-days over... ill board up the entire house, just so y-you cant- *HIC* get in...

Jim Joe: *angrily sighs and heads towards the entrance of the school, but stops when he's at the door and looks back to see Gary still stumbling forward, then looks back at the door and goes inside the school* Arnold?

Arnold: *is over with his, probably new friends* Oh hey Jim... wheres Dad?

Jim Joe: He... went home cause he's.... got a old friend coming over.....

Arnold: *frowns* Oh... o-kay....