Board Thread:Roleplaying/@comment-26826553-20160320114204/@comment-17699278-20160329043311

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The Ancient Pult Ancestor wrote:
Leovergel.solamo wrote:
TAPA, I read what you said above, and your little arguemennt with DDP. I have to say sorry to you. Like what you said, what's default remains default. I was also having the same troubles with DDp, but I'm a forgiveful person. You're a warrior yeah? I'm a rogue. I'm a tricky, kind hearted, person. War is optional. And I don't trust no one, that's rogue rule no. 1.

About Cyphin. He'll remain as the T-3000 like what we've planned. His bar code scanner changes to range weapons and his arms turns into melee ones. And the kindergarzen, you can take control of my characters right?

So, can you forgive me? I was having some headache in our last week of class, that's why the arguement started.

Also, to add up some info about Cyphin's nature. Can I ask you the stuff below...

1. Does he get weakened by other forces other that great electromagnetism? Does he get weak against acid or such?

2. Can his AI assistant, that I call Digital Inteligent Robotic Tecnician or DIRT, be some sort of stepson to him? He'll have the same way on how your Carrie treat her stepfather.

And after you forgive me,I'll make the thread for The Winter Soldier.

Yep, Leo, that's the right thing to do. Ask first.

Fortunately, when we end problems the way you do, I cool down quickly.

1.) The main weakness of T-3000s is strong electromagnetic  fields, & by that I mean something stronger than what any E.M.Peach or Citron can even deal. Normal electricity like that of Lightning Reed & E-Blueberries or normal magnetism like that of Magnet-shrooms will have no effect on them whatsoever, even if all the aforementioned plants combine.

Lasers can affect T-3000s in the same way as yeast dissolves T-1000s. However, I meant lasers that are more powerful than any boosted Laser Bean can muster.

Acid? Not so much. Since T-3000s are very advanced terminators, they are very resistant to acid. But still, acid does have an effect on them, but only a little bit, so they recover quickly from it.

2.) As shown in several episodes of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (this is a TV series, not a movie…sadly, it was discontinued), a T-1001 made an AI she named John Henry to fight the main antagonist & creator of the terminators, the self-aware AI they call SkyNet. As she helped it learn, she regarded it as a son (rather, a creation, but her teaching the AI is like a mom teaching her kid, but really, the connection is inhuman). So the same can go for Cyphin, although the purposes for really creating the AI is mysterious: he may either mean to use it as a means to beat Zomboss or for other purposes.

Here's some extra things you need to know:

Since Cyphin is a T-3000, he has files about previous types (not specific individuals) of terminators, so he will know the weakness immediately. Think this way: he has the whole internet in his mind, he knows every single piece of tech inferior compared to him (that is, everything but the T-X). The problem was the fact that the thing needed to beat the T-1000 is unavailable…until the truck came. And mate, remember, terminators don't say "Guy is tough, I must analyze their weakness…" Remember, they do not talk or think to themselves in the same way as normal people. Rather, they just do actions immediately. Here's a tip: think like a robot, not like a human. A robot won't talk to or ask itself. That's really how terminators are supposed to be. They do not doubt themselves. They do not talk much, they usually just do the job. They have no personal goals, they just follow programming, whether it means protecting someone or snapping someone's neck, it's nothing personal, it's just what they are programmed to do, unless they gained self-awareness. But still, little talk, more action.

And mate, as I said, T-1000s & T-3000s cannot make guns or bazookas or anything that has mechanical or chemical components for themselves, only melee weapons like swords or hooks. And they can only imitate objects of the same volume, so they cannot turn into Gargantuars or stuff. The T-1000 can only spit darts because it's in Cactus form, & its only other ranged attack is by turning its hand into a javelin, cutting it off, & throwing it. They can bring ranged weapons, but it will not come from them. And this T-1000, is, well, weaponless, so no bazooka, only his own blades. Whenever you see a T-1000 unit, always keep in mind that it brings nothing, not even a pistol, with it, relying on nothing but its polymimetic body.

For All: And need I repeat, nobody controls The Expendables (both plant & zombie), people. Those characters could only be controlled by me, no matter what, so hands off, please. And before using my characters, please ask permission, please.

And remember, no one has the right to keep spawning terminators but me, so no one can just insert a T-1000 or something on the scene.


BTW, I will explain some background on why Carrie is so emotionally attached to "Pops" after some time. The root of it all is far deeper than you think...

1. So lasers can shoot his pixelated atoms, atoms by atoms? Well that made sense.

2. DIRT was made out off the motherboard of his corrupted computer (back when he was a zombie) and Zomboss' microchip containing multiple planned advance weapons. And other metal scrap. His purpose is to conserve the weapons for future use, and gives Cyphin a large array of advance weaponry for his BCS to transform to. He also keeps some treasured memories Cyphin kept (like his memories of his real son, Mineski). He also acts as a translator for other languages, and expressor of emotions (like what you said, robots have no emotions). Other purposes of DIRT is still unknown. He calls Cyphin a "sir".

3. Like what I said, the Bar Code Scanner. It's the one responsible of turning into ranged weapons. Due to it looking like a gun, it transforms into gun-shaped weapons (so no bazooka, or cannon, whatsoever bigger). He got the BCS from the time he retrieved DIRT's microchip in the future. The BCS kinda bind to the two machines and became a pocket-sized, handy weapon.

4. So the T-1000 is a default potato in cactus form? That made sense.

5. That time when Cyphin said "I have to analyze the weakness" is just inside his mind. I was using another person's computer with th () keys broken. So I didn't put it as a thought. Ans he has information of everything you said (except T-X)? So he also knew abot your Terminator and his weakness. DIRT , being an advance weapon storage bot, can download resources to turn Cyphin's BCS into a gun that shoots purely concentrated acid (pH -30 & below). But due to the rarity of the acid, downloading will take days. I might show this in the Winter Soldier RP, when the two have met.

6. Also one thing, any advance terminator can make a fair fight with Cyphin with a 50/50 win rate?