Board Thread:Roleplaying/@comment-26826553-20160511122029/@comment-28695377-20160706214435

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//To make things a LOT easier for everyone here, I'm not going to join a RP until a new one is created. What I mean by that is: I won't join any RPs now, but when A brand new RP comes out, i'll join that one. DDP, could you please remove any replies i've made in any current RPs (Except for this one, which doesnt really count, because its not really an RP). Also sorry for the inactivity. The Wifi decided to stop working, so we had that problem. And in a house with 5 other (Sometimes 6, my dad is usually away.) people, it's great sometimes to escape from the crazy-ness of reality to the internet. Off topic: I see we got a BIG Geodash Fan here... Hmm....

More About Darais: She's technically invincible. She could be a invincible super-god if she wanted to. But shes far to loving and good willed to do that. Well, just not rule over everyone. She is usually has invincibility on. The reason she doesnt just destroy anything that gets in the way: She knows it's not thier fault. She knows that there all puppets. So she'll just be dissapointed in the user. She Usually never attacks, but if she has to, she'll usally just remove the attacker from the RP, or just freeze them in time. Now this isn't too helpful, because, the user who owns the person she froze, or removed, can just unfreeze them or put them back in. If dont like that thing, then too bad. Welcome to reality. Bad stuff happens. Also because... Well, Y'know how I said she isn't controlled? Well... She is, but not by any of us: My sister controls her (But she reads everything, so don't worry. She's also a RP and a PvZ fan). So... It won't help to complain to me. Actually, its balanced. So... Yeah. Anyways. Atlas Is NOT based off the winter soilder. I made him myself. He just happened to have a slightly similer backstory to him. He's also a lot stronger than him.

Almar: Awesomeness. Wields "The Eradicator". You can't survive that. Because its beam literaly 'deletes' what it hits, no matter what it is. Luckily he's a good guy(Ish). He has white wings, a ten-foot sword that... Kinda looks like this:

Has many magical advantages/abilities blah blah blah... I'm tired... I'll continue later.