Board Thread:Roleplaying/@comment-27101994-20170730130152/@comment-13431011-20170806213333

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  • Name: Gold Leaf
  • Age: 17
  • Gender: Male
  • Species: Gold Leaf
  • Powers/Abilities: Only known one is generating crystals, although there IS something hidden in the back of his arsenal...
  • Goal: Surviving the Institute and learning how to engineer.
  • Bio: He came from the Lost City, although his species was the only one from that time to completely die out before present day. From what we can tell, one of the Red Stingers from that time (Has nothing to do with any roleplayed Red Stingers) used magic to send him straight to the present, where he didn't take the present too well. He's warmed up to it overtime though. This doesn't stop his stutter.

  • Name: Snow Pea
  • Age: Same age as Repeater (Which I cannot get until he posts his bio)
  • Gender: Female
  • Species: Snow Pea
  • Powers/Abilities: Shapeshifting, and she's synchronized with Repeater (Ex: If Repeater gets hurt, so does Snow Pea, and vice versa)
  • Goal: Doesn't really have one, although she follows in Gold Leaf's footsteps.
  • Bio: She was one of Repeater's personalities until cloned and given her own body so that Repeater could be saved and she would be with Gold Leaf in the end. Being synchronized with Repeater either helps or hurts, but I haven't seen it help yet, so...

         NOTE: This was all approved by The0 and he was actually the one that suggested the idea. Fairy, please put this notice on the page so new viewers will understand. You can include this extra text as well, but... I dunno.