Board Thread:Roleplaying/@comment-27227983-20170603025806/@comment-27227983-20170708104731

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Escanne digs up 2 mounds. 1 contained an Iron Ball and the other had nothing.

Cipher Jules opens the door of the Structure. He pushes it open and...

The inside was old, with small tv screens and non-moving machines littered all across the area. A few human skeletons, wearing soldier uniforms with badges on them were present, just... lying there. This bunker might have been from before the worldwide phenomenon, or during it. 

Mimi: *Walks inside, looking around* Woah, this is pretty cool! Thanks for opening t-this.. *Coughing* ...Is it just me or is the air is weird in here...

The air inside here is a bit sickening, staying for long could harm, but would that be worth getting an answer to this place?

Willson searches around, nothing but mounds and... An Iron Crate. Whether he stores or tries opening it will be his choice.

Sukuna and Wicket head to the new area, but before that...

Kenningway: *Walks to the two* I can't leave a kid and a pacifist without extra company. What if you two get ambushed? Next time, bring someone capable of protecting you along...

The three will arrive to the new area by 3:00 P.M.


(Crab Ambush)

Baron fires at the second Crab Drone, dealing 30 damage. The thing is destroyed immediately, and it has nothing on it.

Crab Drone C pinches Baron, 27 damage.

Possible Interactions:

*Journey to the new area. (20 Minutes/2 Turns. Encounters are possible. Sukuna, Wicket and Kenningway are doing this.)

(Northern Blue Grassland: Possible Trader)

  • Gather resources.
  • Look around in the area. (Items, Legacy Points, New areas, enemy encounter or perhaps a special encounter?)
  • Move to a different area. (Structure)

(Dead Grounds: Baron, Escanne, Willson and Ayers.)

  • Dig up the mounds. (What could be under them?)

  • Trade Strange Coins for items with Mimi!

  • Search the area. (Items, Legacy Points, New areas, enemy encounter or perhaps a special encounter?)

  • Enter the bunker. (Investigate what's inside, with no idea on what could be in there in the first place! Up to three players and two allies can be in there at a time.)

  • Move to a different area. (Northern Blue Grassland.)

(Bunker: Cipher, Mimi. 1/3 Players and 1/2 Allies.)

*Investigate the bodies.

*Investigate the machines.

*Investigate the screens.

*Take items. (0-4 every attempt.)

*Go back to the Dead Grounds.

June 20 2:40 P.M.

Section: Northern Border: It's as far as the Ethereal Train could have gotten you.

Areas: Northern Blue Grassland | | Dead Grounds | Bunker | ???


Sukuna: Life: 120/120 | Toughness: 0 | Mobility: 60 | Legacy Points: 0/100 (Level 1)

Cipher Jules: Life: 120/120 | Toughness: 10 | Mobility: 30 | Legacy Points: 70/100 (Level 1)

Wicket: Life: 100/100 | Toughness: 15 | Mobility: 50 | Legacy Points: 10/100 (Level 1)

Baron: Life: 46/120 | Toughness: 5 | Mobility: 40 | Legacy Points: 10/100 (Level 1)

Escanne: Life: 50/50 | Toughness: 5 | Mobility: 80 | Legacy Points: 0/100 (Level 1)

Willson Pak: Life: 80/80 | Toughness: 15 | Mobility: 25 | Legacy Points: 30/100 (Level 1)


Crab Ambush | Only Baron can attack these enemies.

Crab Drone C: Life: 20/20 | Toughness: 5 | Mobility: 40 | Strength: 10 | (Level 1)

*Crushing Pincers: Deals 30 (+80% Strength Points.) damage to one target.

*Regroup: Burrows into the ground, and comes back with 1-2 more Crab Drones.



Mimi: Life: 80/80 | Toughness: 15 | Mobility: 10 | Legacy Points: 0/100 (Level 1)

*Mimic-you, Mini you: Mimi creates a plushie version of any entity in the battle she is in. This plushie will have 10% of the original's stats as it's own. When a critical hit, the plushie version can be a reference to video games, shows and movies.

*Needle Pokes: Mimi uses her needles as a weapon, either throwing them to deal 5 neutral damage to all enemies, or strike them on just one enemy for 20 damage.

*2 Steps Forward, 1 Jump Back: Mimi casts a spell on an ally, either increasing 2 of these strength/mobility/toughness by 25% percent. The stat that doesn't get buffed will be decreased by 50%. This lasts for 2 turns.

Kenningway: Life: 80/80 | Toughness: 5 | Mobility: 60 | Legacy Points: 0/100 (Level 1)

*Case Slashes: Slashing 1 enemy using his briefcase 2-4 times, dealing 8-12 damage each hit. When the target enemy was killed with this attack, this action will repeat on a random enemy. Can only be done if he has the briefcase.

*Briefcase Shield: Kenningway uses his briefcase as a shield, protecting either himself or someone else. This reduces damage by 75% for 2 turns. Only one person can be protected at a time, and while this is in effect, Kenningway doesn't have it.

*Palm-Strike: Kenningway pummels a target's face with his fists- Palms, to be specific. This deals 10 damage but either stuns the enemy for 2 turns or bruises them (Makes them take 50% more damage till they get healed.).

Ayers: Life: 168/168 | Toughness: 15 | Mobility: 30 | Legacy Points: 0/200 (Level 3)

*Joker Card: Ayers throws a card at a target, dealing 40-60 damage and taunting any other enemies to attack him or a player/other ally of his choice.

*Russian Roulette: He pulls out a revolver, loads in 5 bullets in the chamber, then aims it on his head, with a 5/6 chance of shooting himself. If he doesn't end up shooting himself, all attacks will be 50% stronger for 1-3 turns (And 5 bullets will hit random enemies, each dealing 25 damage). If he does end up shooting himself, he takes 40 damage. (But only 4 bullets will hit random enemies this time.)

*Taking Chances: Ayers' will swap the stats of a target of his choice. Toughness, Mobility, Strength, Luck, etc, will have the points they have shuffled randomly, possibly having disastrous or pleasant effects. This effect lasts for 2 turns.

Status Effects:

Polluted Air (Bunker): Every 10 minutes (1 Turn), all entities inside will lose 15 Life for as long as they are there.