Board Thread:Roleplaying/@comment-27227983-20170624131957/@comment-27227983-20170702074944

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Cyril: Teodor and Remilla, here is Augment 1-D, the Cybernetic Scorpion. If you pay attention, you can see that it is very damaged, but that does not mean it is no longer a threat, so be cautious. Notice how it eats, that will suggest that 1-D's insides are mostly, if not completely natural, which gives giant insects their fatal weakness, the less amount of oxygen in our present day. If 1-D were to leave it's habitat, it will only be minutes before you can witness it's strength dwindle, making it easy to recapture. Every 2 days, the ropes tied up on it's pincers must be replaced. *Pulls out incredibly strong rope from inside his coat* Since it will be something you will have to do eventually, I will demonstrate exactly how to do so.

Cyril waits till 1-D finished eating, then he used his telekenesis to intentionally cut the rope off of 1-D's pincers. 1-D has a chance to act before Cyril finishes...