Board Thread:Roleplaying/@comment-27227983-20170624131957/@comment-27227983-20170703080650

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Cyril: Not again- *Rolls to the left side at the last minute, and raised up his hand.*

1-D began to feel as light as a balloon, and floated up in the air, only to be thrown up and down like a basketball.

Cyril: Thank you Teodor, I will deal with it from here. *Raises up both of his hands, sending 1-D up high one more time, before sending it falling to the ground once more* If I am not mistaken, this should be enough damage it can take before it suffers any long term disfunction. *To 1-D* Thank you for your subtle cooperation, return to your hiding. *Points at 1-D's direction*

1-D feels gravity shifted, he is being forced to go back, away from Cyril and his apprentices. It could try to withstand the force, but that will only be great with stronger telekenesis.