Board Thread:Weekly discussions/@comment-18464102-20180727142943/@comment-31819172-20180730221203

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Sterling Collins wrote:

TheZombieFighter2 wrote:
YAstroNut1 wrote:

J. Jason DJ FM AM wrote:

AstroNut1 wrote:

Swaggy Shooter wrote:

DreamyImpy wrote:
Never played it.

Some people say it sucked, some people say it was amazing.

A lot of ppl said it was amazing, but few said it sucked. 
People say it was amazing simply because it got removed.
Da fuck are you talking about? Becuz it was removed?
I see many people begging for PvZ Adventures to return and I bet thet most of them didn't play it.
You would be correct. And there are YOUTUBBE VIDS of it.

and the unlocked Chomper in Garden Warfare 3 will be Chucky Chomper the one is based on the doll from the franchise

How does this tie into Adventures (I remember playing Adventures, hated Officer Ron though, and the last area I got to was Killjoy Park’s 4th level)