Board Thread:Weekly discussions/@comment-25648422-20170903015811/@comment-29700757-20170903070234

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Costs 4 (which is cheap for every Solar heroes), dreaded stats, as well as dreaded ability, which affects 3 classes. Also it has pea and nut tribes, synergies those would be already good to this. Sure, later we might have Hand of Devastation, but the plant hero might use either Sportacus or Black-Eyed Pea. Or even worse, DMD. Make it 2/6 and remove its Pea tribe.


Well, this deserves to be Super-Rare as its ability is monster enough, but bad stats on its own.


Wall-Knight AI often uses this, so why not? Instead of that ability, I would think of "When a Zombie hurts a Nut, do damage to that Zombie for that much." PopCap might nerf its health to 6, but still.

Clique Peas

This is good and seriously does not needed to be nerfed.</sarcasm>

Costs 1 and have 1/1. At first you might think these are not OP, but once you're thinking about their ability, you're doomed. Every Clique Peas shuffled also needs to cost 1 sun more.