Board Thread:Weekly discussions/@comment-26470588-20171004053948/@comment-33308201-20171010133557

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AWikiBoy521 wrote:

Teacup Terry wrote:

Jel-LOL FTW wrote:
rare as in hard to get or rare as in the rarity?

The two usually correspond, don't they? Whether you want a Night Witch in Clash Royale, an Unusual in TF2 or a Gargantuar's Feast in PvZH, you'll have to work hard to get the rare cards.
Sometimes it's not. Luck comes into play and may give you the stuff you want without the hassle of "working hard".

For more about Unusuals in TF2 though....there's some Unusuals that a player wants that you would rather trade for Keys and/or Refined (yes, it's a strange "currency" used for trades in case you don't know that) than to gamble those crates just to some unusual the player wanted (which if you're not lucky enough, you lose even more money since you gotta spend real money for those Keys). There's even some that you don't have to work hard and don't need to smelt metal into Refined, just get some cheap Keys of the Steam Markerplace and trade 'em for Keys, assuming that you earned the money to buy them with little to no effort.

EDIT: If a game supports it, easiest but most luck-related way by legitimate giveaways (example some unusual on TF2) and/or plain requests like donations (example, Clash Donations of the card a Clanmate doesn't need in Clash Royale).

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