Board Thread:Weekly discussions/@comment-27138615-20171202170743/@comment-26916914-20171204023727

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GravityWave wrote:

Hihigocat wrote:
I have to disagree with your third point. I don’t grind at all really, I just play a few games every about 5 hours when I’m awake. Grinding also implies that it’s not fun to do, which it is fun to play a game. I got my 4th copy of Overstuffed Zombie yesterday. If you have a decent deck for all heroes you can play a few games with your 10x boost hero.

Well, that's the thing... I'm F2P, and I haven't unlocked all heroes. Also, as an F2P, matches are pretty hard, and I can't get a decent deck for every hero I have, anyway.

I’m F2P too. I just reinstalled PvZH around 2 or 3 months ago. Just keep watching ads and doing quests, and when you have enough gems, go for a Premium Multipack or the Hero Pack for a 10x Boost hero. I don’t have half of the Zombie Heroes because of this. I bought all Plant Heroes just so I could at least get a 10x Boost hero always.