Board Thread:Wiki Management/@comment-25429866-20150513224016/@comment-25005818-20150515162112

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Hawkdrone wrote:

RedKnightHD wrote: I don't care if someone is swearing(Not insulting). If that person swears, deal with it.

Yep. Haha! DEAL WITH IT. ENDURE IT. No need to be a big baby and complain about it, "Oooooh im telling!! Beacuse u swore, u big potty mouth! Im gonna report you". I think it's funny sometime, i knew how to swear when I was a little child.

*Facepalm* seroiusly, you have no idea what i was talking about. First you throught by illuminati confirmed i said this is fake while i was joking around and now this? Wanna argue with me? GO AHEAD! :D We might get reported and both banned or get a warning! :D