Board Thread:Wiki Management/@comment-5052376-20140718070242/@comment-3225604-20140719044004

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Rasengan553 wrote: Just close this useless thread!

Let me ask you a question, do you think this action will solve the dispute between two sides?

Cavia porcellus wrote: Not related to PvZA, but I will remind you that WinterMelon kicked people out of the Chat (including me, multiple times) because they were mentioning or talking about Plants vs. Zombies: All Stars.

Well, do you have evidence to prove that? Have you ever spammed on the chat that time?

Now to my question 1:

Did Miles really delete these phrases (which I noticed that these replies weren't there, but more like it is removed):

1Zulu wrote: How to get people to ignore your message: Step 1: Post it in all caps

Step 2: There is no step 2

Lolwutburger wrote: A proper note could make someone listen for once.

1Zulu wrote: Exactly. When you see a message in all caps it looks like it's someone throwing a temper tantrum. People making business decisions (eg: shut down a game) will not entertain temper tantrums.

Well, I don't think that Miles would do that because he should be supporting these. Rather I think WM is the one who deleted them.

Let me move on:

Did Miles abuse his powers?

Since Wintermelon is the one who volunteers to be de-admined, I won't count Miles or anyone who demotes WM. Rather, I would blame Miles on deleting the thread of "KEEP PVZA RUNNING!". This thread although wants people to spread the word on, but the overall aim isn't and it is definitely on-topic. Miles assumed that the thread would be spammed, but guess what - it is not even spammed! It also shows that Miles is a bit short-minded. I mean he doesn't think carefully. Do you think people will spam with the phrases? Furthermore, Miles has already thought that PvZA would definitely be closed without any evidence that supports "public outcry" won't overturn the situation. I can say you are totally wrong. I will give an example of the May Fourth Movement. The result is that China did not recognize the Paris Peace Settlements because of the public outcry. It suggests that public outcry is not a useless method. The method of protesting is even more radical than that thread. Burning the house of an official is much more violent and immature than the thread you deleted, right? Please respect that everyone has the right to protest. It is definitely wrong to delete the thread, similar to oppressing one's freedom of speech. I would also suspect that Miles is the one who doesn't want PvZA to be kept. However, Miles also gives a reason why the thread should be deleted. He considered that the post might be spammed, unfortunately without any proof. Well I would like to warn Miles next time not to conduct the same mistake again. You might have abused your powers in some people's point of view, but I just really want to warn you.

Let me also reply the 1-4 points:

1. True to say "he wanted every reply to be the same almost all caps message." But please look at the definition of "spam" by Oxford Dictionary: "Irrelevant or unsolicited messages sent over the Internet, typically to large numbers of users, for the purposes of advertising, phishing, spreading malware, etc." Let me argue over that:

  • "Irrelevant"? WM wants PvZA not to be taken out. It is completely relevant and it's something that a normal fan would do because he wants to keep it. It is really relevant as the topic is to arouse public awareness for keeping the game. The phrase "KEEP RUNNING PVZA!" is already the proof. Lastly, WM also gave a good example of what an "irrelevant" message might be: "PVZA IS GONNA LEAVE! EVERYTHING SPAM AND SAY RE8FJFJHKDSHNDKJVHBJNKVFJNKFVHFVFINVKHBHFUJBHDFHFBDDJGBHKHFDHGDFJDKDDHFDCKJNBHDCJUSDGBFSDJCBDNDBHDNJGBDHSSGDBSHJSHSDVSBNDYHDJDFRHWVGSBYFHJSHDJMKEGJDHIK KEEP IT RUNNING"
  • "Advertising"? Well, at first it sounds right, but now I don't think it is right. Yes, he wants everyone to spread the word to every platform he knows. The main purpose is not advertising. He doesn't look for sales, but only attention. In another view, an opinion can't be "advertised" if nothing commercial is made. Well, this relates to the handling of freedom of speech of whether you accept the thread or not.

Then, as I mentioned above, who knows if public outcry would make PopCap retract their decision? You couldn't know by now.

2. Yes it turns out Miles is being immature also. Besides what Hawk has mentioned, do you think that you are a mature person to delete the thread and assume that this kind of protest is utterly useless? These are enough to prove that Miles is immature. While I also couldn't neglect the truth that caps lock is not a mature performance, I do think that both WM and Miles are immature too. Well, Miles is also maligning Midnight (which is without evidence) that he is framing Miles. Midnight has evidence to prove that Miles is somehow framing WM. WM is not completely immature in this point, but it seems Miles is more immature based on the actions that Miles has done. Miles is not treasuring the freedom of speech, and what Miles expects the "spam" isn't at all a "spam". Well, WM could have used fewer caps locks but that's forgivable for that one-time immaturity because that's what a player would do if a game is going to be shut down. WM also wants the users to comment with the same message after on which I think it is unnecessary. However, he doesn't block users of not doing that, so it is ok. If it is found out that he is the one who deleted those phrases, I will think that WM is more immature.

3. Well, while WM's thread is not "perfect", it is not "abnormal". As I've mentioned, he just wanted to express concern about the game. Moreover, how is it possible that Hawk frame Miles to make WM become an admin again? I literally laugh at it. It is completely irrelevant. The reason why Miles frame WM is that Miles assumed WM is a spammer, or encourages spam, but indeed WM is not. Lastly, is it that YOU, Miles, the one who without actually looking at any of the stuff that's happened for yourself or listening to my side of the argument?

4. What kind of sense is that? Bullying is not equal to framing? You are just a pathetic person! I have a friend in my school who is often bullied. He is often framed as "dirty", "jer*" etc. Guess what, he truly isn't! Bullying involves framing.

Lastly, I was another victim from Wild Ones, of which the game is closed. There is a thread relating to this and we, and the admins, are grieving of the disappearance of the game. We also have our main pages blackened and a black ribbon of the Wild Ones Wiki logo is issued. Respect the players who have paid their endeavor on the game they once loved. A game is not easy to be made, and progressing in the game is not easy too. Although that thread is more "mature" (as you defined), any means of commemoration and protest should be allowed. Caps lock is also something usual to express strong expression. Although you won't use it in formal writing, threads aren't formal writing, so please accept this kind of language art.

By the way, congrats to WM on being an admin again!