Board Thread:Wiki Management/@comment-5052376-20140718070242/@comment-3225604-20140719085742

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Milesprower2 wrote: WHY is everyone ganging up on me now?

1: The message he was telling people to spread around (not just on Wikia, but on any site where PopCap was likely to see it) was mostly caps and it wouldn't have done any good anyway. Spam.

2: What do I have to gain from getting Wintermelon demoted? I'm not trying to frame him. I'm not being immature, he is (he's been calling me "framer" ever since this incident started, that in itself is immature, even aside from all the Caps Lock he's been overusing.

3: Again, I have nothing to gain from getting Winter demoted. Why would I want to frame him? Because I don't like him? You know me, you know I'm better than that.

4: You know what, buck this, why am I even bothering to argue with you. This is the internet, there's no point trying to make someone listen to reason. If you really want I'll demote myself from Bureaucrat and Admin.

1. You still can't prove that it is spam in the definition. The topic and the message is relevant. Caps are forgivable since the tone is acceptable. You concluded that the action wouldn't have done anyway. In conclusion, you haven't read my argument.

2. Well both of you are immature.

3. Assume this is not the reason you would like to frame him, another possible reason is that you don't like PvZA.

4. Then why are you going "the one who without actually looking at any of the stuff that's happened for yourself or listening to my side of the argument?" (Moreover, you can't demote yourself. EDIT: Well sorry, you could do that now.)