Board Thread:Wiki Management/@comment-5366868-20150224154324/@comment-29301966-20150224202303

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Electromario2001 wrote:
SMG39 wrote:
Lily8763cp wrote:
I would help... but I don't want to give my adress. 
Me too.


But seriously, the internet is the only place i can talk to people with the sme interests when nobody in my real life has some of the interests i do, plus some people have online jobs, people that like to cook can't look up recipies, you can't look anything up if you need help, there are online videos for entertainment and education,there are online school books in case you can't bring your's home, and i know at my school teachers grades are all stored on a website, and it's over all a great place to share information, plus youtubers that make videos for a living would loose that job, all this and even more are things you can do on the internet. So why the heck should we get rid of this? We want to move forward in technology, not backwards.