Board Thread:Wiki Management/@comment-5797509-20140905225328/@comment-10802439-20140906070548

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They're saying that it's not culturally acceptable but... It is! In a very close future (like 10 years), everything will always be connected to internet, being robots, or smartglasses, or smartcars, or teh people's brainz. Also, ever heard of school on internet? That's what I'm doing. It's a satursday, but still, my parents have an e-shop, and I still learn programming and drawing, and not in a book, so all I have to say is: Internet is part of our culture, it is something that gives to anyone the possibility to learn anything. So, no, if they want to go back in human's history, then they can't force everyone to do it, even for one day. It's like a girafa saying "I'll stop having a long neck for today, because we can't talk to each others because we're so high, even if it makes us unable to eat" and forcing all the others to do the same... Yeah, I know, it's a pretty bad comparison, but that's what I mean.

Also, I don't think governments would allow this:

-Mister President!

-What's the matter?

-The country is attacked by enemies/terrorists/aliens/carrots!

-What?! How could you not notice them before?!

-Well... It was october 4th, so, we couldn't check anything on our network...

-Oh, okay then, I understand, thousands of peoples are dead now, but meh, it was the Day of Disconnect, so it's alright, not a big problem.

I think you know my opinion, now. ^^ Me do not like.

EDIT: october, not september, baka Piki!